Fees & Payment

Session fees vary between clinicians due to their level of training for assessment, therapeutic approaches and experience in the field.

An outline of each persons fees based on profession is detailed below;


Clinical Psychologist - Assessment & Therapy Sessions
50 mins

Life Coaching Sessions
50 mins

Clinical Nurse Extended Assessment 
90 mins

Clinical Nurse Assessment & Therapy Sessions
50 mins

Clinical Associate Psychologist - Assessment & Therapy Sessions
50 mins

Integrative Counselling - Assessment & Therapy Sessions
50 mins



Adult Autism Screening Session

Adult Autism Assessment, Report and Feedback Session 

Adult ADHD Initial Consultation 

Adult ADHD Assessment, Report and Feedback Session 

Child and Adolescent ADHD Initial Consultation 

Child and Adolescent ADHD Assessment, Report and Feedback Session


The session fees includes any resources, liaison or text messages that we may send throughout the course of your treatment.

In essence you pay for the time we meet either face to face or via a pre-booked telephone or video session. All of the additional time that we need to prepare for your session is included in this price.

There is an additional planned cost for formal written documentation. Assessment reports or letters to other professionals will be charged at our session rate and a price will be agreed in advance.

Health Insurance Claims

Should you wish to activate a Health Insurance Policy to pay for your sessions, the following clinicians are registered with the following providers;

Dr Alisha Azzopardi is registered with BUPA, Cigna, AVIVA, Aetna & WPA

Dr Sharon Winward - is registered with BUPA & AVIVA

Dr Lauren Ingram - is registered with BUPA & AVIVA

Mandy Dodds - is registered with BUPA & AVIVA